Heads. Philip Lorca deCorcia (1st edition)

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1st edition.

One of the most influential and innovative photographers working today, Philip-Lorca diCorcia is known for creating images that are poised between documentary and theatrically staged photography. In ‘Heads’, diCorcia rigs lights far above the New York sidewalk, unnoticed by the passersby, and positions himself a distance. The results--an amalgam of random individuals and unvarying lighting conditions--are stunning. The anonymous, specimen-like quality to the subjects is heightened by the theatrical lighting. This work successfully reinvigorates the entire genre of street photography. It is impossible to look at these sallow faces without thinking about the psychological impact of 911 upon the residents of NYC. 

Publication Date: 2001

Publisher: SteidlBoxPacemacgill

Condition: The book is in good condition

Book Size: 30 x 38cm
Hard Cover

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