The Cost of Living. Martin Parr



Martin Parr’s, The Cost of Living, captures a portrait of a particular strata of British society at the height of Thatcherism. From Poll Tax riots to strikes over the closure of mines, 1980’s Britain was a time of political unrest and social anxiety. Believing in the responsibility of the individual, many of the policies introduced under Margaret Thatcher stretched the gap between the upper and lower classes and resulted in divided communities. The Cost of Living is a satirical series which presents another view of Britain in the 1980’s, away from the tensions of riots, strikes and unemployment.The book looks at the rise of the middle class, as they became wealthier under Thatcher’s government in the 1980’s, Parr’s series coined the term ‘comfortable classes’. The photographs investigate a new type of aspirational living, and the associated rituals, habits and absurdities of this upwardly mobile class.

Publication Date: 1989

Publisher: Cornerhouse

Condition: Good, with some wear to front edge of cover.

Book Size: 28.5 x 22.5cm

Pages: 67

Format: Soft Cover

ISBN: 0-948797-55-X

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